Friday, April 23, 2010

Entry #55 - Untitled

Sherwyn, Mukundan and Kok Jun were in a car late at night driving down the countryside.
The car broke down and they decided to walk to a farm. The farmer welcomed them because he was kinda lonely living alone.

However, the guest room could only fit 2 people, one of them had to sleep in the barnyard.
Kok Jun decided to sleep in the barnyard. 10 minutes later, Sherwyn and Mukundan heard a knock on the door. It was Kok Jun.

"I can't sleep there, there is a pig there"

So Mukundan took his place.

Fifteen minutes later he knocked on the door.

"I can't sleep there, there is a cow around. Cows are sacred".

So Sherwyn decides to sacrifice his comfort in the room and goes to the barnyard to sleep.

5 minutes later a knock is heard on the door - the pig and the cow are standing there...

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