Thursday, July 1, 2010

Entry #124 - The Smart Lawyer

There was once an English lawyer, who was proud and considered himself to be extremely smart. One fine day, he was on a plane and found that a Chinese man was to be seated beside him. Being extremely sure that he is much smarter than the Chinese man, the English lawyer decides to play a game with him. He pricks the Chinese man awake and asked, "Hey, lets play a game. We both ask one another questions, if you are unable to give the correct answer, you must pay me $5. If I am unable to answer your question, I shall pay you $500." Wanting to go back to sleep, the Chinese man readily agreed.

"What charges will a man face when he is found to be proven guilty of ... ... ," asked the lawyer.

He was sure that the Chinese man will be unable to answer him and smirked when the Chinese man reluctantly took out $5 and gave it to him. Hoping to make more fun of him, the English lawyer pressured the Chinese man to ask him a question as well.

"What goes up the mountain with 3 legs, 5 arms, and comes down with only 2 legs, 4 arms?" asked the Chinese man, and he went back to sleep. Stunned by the question, the lawyer desperately search his books, on his laptop and searched online, asked his friends, but to no avail. 5 hours later, he reluctantly woke the Chinese man and pass him $500.

Before the Chinese man could sleep, the lawyer asked eagerly, "So tell me, what goes up the mountain with 3 legs, 5 arms, and comes down with only 2 legs, 4 arms?

With that, the Chinese man took $5 from the bundle of notes he received, puts it in the lawyer's hand, and went back to sleep.

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